You can get this designer poster in different sizes as given below. Additionally, you have the option to get it professionally laminated & framed so that it is ready to display. We encourage you to buy this poster along with other posters in the category so that the complete message on ‘Quality Management Systems’ is available at your workplace.
A set of 4 designer educational charts on ‘Quality Management Systems (QMS)’ The last decade has seen a steep rise in the number of companies using ‘Quality Management System’ as a key ingredient for their success. Many of them have done it very successfully too. But ever since the advent of this concept, creating awareness on this subject amongst people has remained the biggest challenge for the organizations. E&E has brought out this special series of educational charts on four major concepts of quality management as brought out by ISO in its standards on management systems: Systems approach: A concept of managing the organization as a network of interacting processes Process approach: Managing an activity as a process thro’ the control of inputs, process & outputs CAPA: Corrective & preventive action approach to solve existing and potential problems, and PDCA Cycle: The most popular Deming’s technique for making continual improvements. The charts have been developed with colorful pictures, graphics & design to attract the attention of people. The text has been kept simple & short to develop easy understanding. The mapping technique of presentation used in these posters is a proven way for faster learning and memory retention.