


Educational Poster on ‘Armand Feigenbaum’ – It’s difficult to hear the word “Quality” without thinking of Armand V. Fegenbaum, the man who coined the term ‘Total Quality Control’, known today as the ‘Total Quality Management (TQM)’. Feigenbaum was one of the first engineers to speak management’s language. His contributions include, the concept of ‘Cost of Quality (CoQ)’, the ‘Hidden Plant’ and the ‘Accountability for Quality’.

Learn the quality philosophy of Arman Feigenbaum using the designer educational poster by Enablers & Enhancers.

Combine this poster with other posters in this series on ‘Quality Gurus’ and inspire your people towards quality.



Educational Poster on ‘Armand Feigenbaum’ – It’s difficult to hear the word “Quality” without thinking of Armand V. Fegenbaum, the man who coined the term ‘Total Quality Control’, known today as the ‘Total Quality Management (TQM)’. Feigenbaum was one of the first engineers to speak management’s language. His contributions include, the concept of ‘Cost of Quality (CoQ)’, the ‘Hidden Plant’ and the ‘Accountability for Quality’.

Learn the quality philosophy of Arman Feigenbaum using the designer educational poster by Enablers & Enhancers.

Combine this poster with other posters in this series on ‘Quality Gurus’ and inspire your people towards quality.