HIPAA refers to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. This act was enacted by the United States Congress and was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996.
Patient Privacy, or the lack of it, can destroy the reputation of a firm in seconds. It is part of a medical professional’s oath to ensure that patient privacy is kept private. The consequences of not doing so, are as detrimental to the patient, as they are to the employee and the employer. Use this designer poster PROTECT PATIENT PRIVACY to educate people in your firm and to ensure that data is not misplaced.
You can get this designer poster in different sizes as given below. Additionally, you have the option to get it professionally laminated & framed so that it is ready to display. We encourage you to buy this poster along with other posters in the category so that the complete message on ‘HIPAA Privacy’ is available at your workplace.